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Robert Farmilo
You know by now that my firm understanding of serious online marketing involves finding and using class tools, services, techniques, mentors...
...and getting yourself a box to think outside of.
Seriously, go get a box, and put your head inside it, and then start thinking outside that box.
Along this line, the famous anecdote about Henry Ford, the guy who created the Ford motor car version - - - Henry was in his office talking with some guy, and the guy made some comment how Henry wasn't an expert about whatever. So Henry pushes a button and tells somebody to send some guy to see him. So some guy is there in short order, and Henry says, "It is true, I am not an expert in such and such, but this guy here, he I just ask him."
The short moral of this tale is get your head out of the box, and hire experts to do stuff you just can't do, or don't have the time to do...THIS IS LEVERAGING.
Until you start to do this in a serious expletive deleted way, you are going to only get so far in your online businesses. Use other people to help you do stuff you can't or don't want to bother with.
You can play with this idea of mentors and experts and pinch-hitters...start to think seriously about assembling your team...the dream team of talent you'd like to have making expert contributions to your projects.
Too far out?
Just saying it's time for you to stretch your idea of limits and what is possible...there is a lot of creativity and intelligence waiting for you to ask for help. And it can be found by asking people who know the way.
Plus, expert talent will do work for you if you pay them.
Which brings us to the subject of this article...PROFITBUILDER
Obviously you can go to the sales page and listen to the video by the guy who is the front man for the team that is making PROFITBUILDER the real deal that it is.
More about him later.
Now about value...for the price, with all the ongoing updates (included in the price), and I love this next part - - - NO monthly fees.
Yeah, that works.
So, here is how much your investment will cost you in cold, hard cash money - - -
OH, of course, once you start to order PROFITBUILDER, and you get to the check out, you are going to be offered some hard-core OTO's...(one time offers). Don't blow this stuff off...take your time to hear the pitch...and open that box you're wearing on your head.
Listen and watch how bleeding edge online marketing is being done...buddy from PROFITBUILDER makes it look easy as he brings colossal value to the box on your head.
IF nothing else, you will get a chance to dream, and see possibilities that are within easy reach. The probability is high that if you buy PROFITBUILDER and get your head into figuring out what makes it following the dead-easy tutorials...and then apply the tool as directed - - - you are going to get some measurable results.
Way more than your investment...the cost of buying PROFITBUILDER.
IF you use the tool as directed...and add some of your own inspiration, imagination, creativity, street smarts, intelligence, and plain old brain sweat, and time...
Okay, by now you want to click the link and get into what this baby can do for you and your bottom line.
YOU are going to require a domain and a webhost that will supply a cPanel, and you are going to be using WordPress...and by now you might have just left this article.
You are thinking that's too much like work...okay. I get it, I understand. You think you can't follow some instructions...simple thing at a time, clearly explained...step-by-step....
Wouldn't it be worth the little bit of brain sweat?
And then you'd know more than you do now...and it'd be making you some money.
Now, sit down and figure out what the budget is going to look like to realistically get this all up and running:
- WEBHOST - - - - - - - - - $8.00 / month
- DOMAIN - - - - - - - - - - - $4.00 to $14.00 / year
- AUTORESPONDER - - $10.00 to $30.00 / month
PLUS the cost of a a dot info...
one of the low cost domains, say $4.00 for the year
That's the money, practical budget part of what you're going to invest to get a basic start with what PROFITBUILDER can do for make some money.
And if you get the Single Site Pack entry level version for an investment of $47.00...
you aren't going to have spend money on a lot of other stuff that you need to get serious online.
The list is a long one, and it's covered earlier in this article...opt-in pages, landing pages, sales pages...just to name a few. Once you've bought your PROFITBUILDER, you are going to have a real-deal system to liberate you from specific costs of doing business.
The logic of making this investment is this: YOU ARE BUYING AN EXPERT who will work with you 24/7/365...and will always be updated, AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU.
This expert will not call in sick, get a headache, be moody, ask for a raise...go on rude, lie to you...cheat you. NO. You won't have to pay this expert vacation pay, or offer special benefits...or have to socialize with them at some lame office party.
You will own your very own personal magic genie, who will do your bidding...and make you money online.
And all you have to do is follow the easy instructions on how to rub the genie's lamp.
HERE is my offer that you can't refuse...I will help you make it happen. And like most things, all you've got to do is ask me. Let's take it from there. We'll come up with a plan, and put the plan into action, and get results...which equals YOU WILL MAKE MONEY ONLINE.
More about all this a bit later.
I have a lot more to write about this...and for now,
BEHOLD this idea - - -
...inspiration power happens when we focus on where we want to go...on the results that you are wanting to enjoy.
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Find out how THOUSAND of people like YOU are making a LIVING from home and are living their dreams right NOW.
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