Day Two of 90 Days to Riches Challenge

I quit today.
The 90day2riches challenge.
Quit it hard.
Woke up not feeling good toward the actual work of doing this stupid challenge. Wasn't feeling the burning, dead certain mystique of the awesome sauce.
I just had no real interest in any of it.
The idea of pandering to the idiots who spend money in this sub-niche, and making alliances with
other fleecers of the sheep
to live a decent life style, you can finally afford that look.
Even though it is so very trite and...what?
What am I talking about?
Why dressing, of course...try and keep up, Desdemondah.
Not salad...
just saying that when you earn enough money from capturing emails...
you can find your sweet self in some mighty 
tasty rags.
But never you mind about nothing.
This fairy tale gold that comes magically to you when you first click the link...
Has to have a lot of tier one leads and traffic coming to a high converting sales funnel.
And you have to manage that list with all your might and main,
and keep adding to it.
The more names that are proven buyers in your sub-niche,
the better your chance of making a sale.
And I lost my taste for making money for making money to make more money---
---I did a promotion-marketing-sales demo at a designated store in a grocery chain.
Told you I would reveal the great insight.
Tested insight again today.
More positive results.
Slightly more absolute negatives.
But way too many completes to argue for more than slightly more absolute negatives in the trys.
So pretty good results, is all I'm saying.
Here's the deal:
  • Greet the oncoming person with a positive, upbeat, "Hello Sir,"
  • OR "Hello Ma'am,"
  • As they come closer, begin, "Chirpies has asked me to make sure you get this pot of gold today to take home and see what you think of it, take it for a test drive, see how it cleans around the house...made from organic dolphin skin,"
  • You hand them the sample while saying your spiel
  • And that's your main objective, to get the person to take the sample home with them and try it out
  • The SECRET: "Chirpies has asked me to make sure you..."
A simple case of borrowing authority.

Imagine...for a moment, you have the great misfortune to
have to deal with law enforcement officers who are being serious and vaguely threatening,
and giving off a certain kind of subtle attitude that comes with being
authority because authority says you are one of the authorities.
Like a constable, officer, detective.
That is a simple case of borrowing authority.
 If your role in life includes some position that you hold 
that could affect my life in some way---if you have that authority
for what ever reason.
Then you are borrowing authority over me.
 Sort of---kind of.
The idea of borrowing identity can be used to stage a really cool con.
The scene: Group of invited humans.
Next: I come in the room, and announce that the king is coming, and explain why you are such a great king, and how come you've come at last with riches for everyone, and you are a very generous king, and here you come! Here comes the king of Butcher Holler!"
And you walk in, wearing ermine bikini shorts.
And a crown.
No, I am kidding about your attire.
We're gonna go for the kind of dressing you'd see in that movie, "Kingsman."
All the Best!
Robert Farmilo (I am so not quit my 90days2riches.)
PS-Check out the videos---and see you tomorrow for Day Three of 90days2riches
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