- by -
Robert Farmilo

Yes, that's me in the photo above. My wife and I had just finished climbing to the top of a mountain on the coast of Mexico. And yes, I was hot and sweaty. It had taken a bit of a hike to get there, and boy, was it hot that day. 

It took a while to figure out how to get there. In fact it took several experimental hikes to find the way.

To tell you the truth, we hadn't started out to find the way to the top of the mountain. It just kind of evolved as we went on our hikes of exploration. We started out just following some beat up dirt roads, and then finding some paths, following the paths, and then onto a much nicer, paved road, and then along another beat up old dirt road. On and on we hiked, up and up, not especially kitted out for such a hike. And it took several of these hikes to find our way to the end of this one, last old dirt road. we did, another track veered off, and up...and so we decided we would come back, and find out where this other half-road, half-track would lead us. And that is how we found our way to the top of Vulture Rock.

You know what? We were complete idiots. Not dressed properly, and exposing ourselves to serious risk of getting injured...snake bite...scorpion bite...spider bite.... Laugh if you want to, but - not wearing proper footware - and strolling through long, tall grass (just one example), with no cell a very remote area, rarely visited by anyone, even bandits - NOT so smart.

Anyway, we survived. Sure, in our exploration forays we did get some nasty bites from these voracious insects that live on thorn trees - and some other minor scrapes and dings from this and that - - - but we made it, and ended up with some great stories of our adventures.

So, what's the connection between all this and FREE ONLINE ADVERTISING RESOURCES?

Well, here's the thing...IF you want to advertise online, you must have something you want to advertise, right? Maybe you're just starting out, and you want some FREE advertising because you just don't have a lot of money to fund your campaign.

You could be a seasoned online marketing business type, and you're just here to check out what is being touted as FREE...maybe looking for a few alternatives to what you are paying for.

Well, cool beans...whatever brought you here...and whatever status you have in the great search for ways to make money online. The old saying goes, "Don't be the person digging for the gold - be the person selling the shovels to the person digging for the gold..."

IF you can figure out how to bring people stuff they really need to find the gold they are looking for - maybe find a really excellent shovel that is just the best shovel, ever - - - well, you only have to meet enough people who need an excellent shovel, and have some cash to buy the excellent shovel, and make the deal so sweet that nobody can resist buying your excellent shovel...and then keep in contact with them - and offer them help...maybe some useful info on how to find get the idea.

And that's what this blog post is all about, too. I want to give you some FREE tools you can use to help you find the gold you are looking for. And IF you want, I can also give you useful info on how to use the FREE tools to really leverage your time and available that you can actually start to hit pay dirt.
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So, what's the connection between my story about accidentally finding the way to the top of the mountain and you're journey to making money online? 

Hmmmm...well...kind-of-sort-of an example about how most people finally find their way to a place they may never have actually started out to may start out getting lost, and then getting unlost...not really knowing where you're going - and even if you do know where you want to go...NOT know how to get there.

IF I have a real, true point to this blog post, it is this:

Well, sometimes you may not be so sure about what it is that you love - perhaps it isn't so clear to you...and you MAY have the sobering experience of NOT feeling and thinking that you can actually make a living from what you love.

Let's not quibble about this point - what you love might end up being several different "things," including your isn't always about writing the great novel, or building the biggest bridge, or...whatever.

I think most of us view the idea of being drawn by the strange pull of what we love as being somehow impractical, possibly dangerous, maybe just plain and flat out for those "other" people who had the guts and the nerve to...go with the force of that strange pull.

Hey, check this out...go ahead and ask a few people what they think of the idea of making money online, and just soak up what you hear in response. Your idea of making money online is going to strike some people as VERY naive...and risky, too.

You're talking to the wrong people.
Find the people who are making money online. People you can trust. That's VERY important...the trust part. You need to find people who know the way, and are willing to show you the way, too.

Here is a link to a blog post that deals with some of the scams, lies, and techniques of the dark side in online marketing - AVOID THE PAIN, NOW!

AND here is an offer you just cannot refuse - I am available to you - I can actually help you to make money online...NOT by getting you into some deal that I am into. What I do is help you to figure out what will actually and realistically get you making some money online...not some cookie cutter formula, one size fits all...NO.

Sound interesting? Wondering what the fee is? What's the catch?

This is going to sound crazy - in the too-good-to-be-true department - but, there is NO fee, and there is NO catch, and there is NO upsell, upgrade, secret hidden, sneaky side winders.

Come back for more...part 2 of this blog post will be waiting for you.

In the meantime, I am the host of an online quiz show...a game to entering your fees, no charges. The game is simple - identify the famous and infamous through clues posted on our Facebook page - first right guess wins cash prize.
There are no catches, just a guessing game, and you can go there right now and check out this cool game, and PLAY FOR FREE, NOW.

Okay, my final point is maybe the most important - IF you are truly serious about making money online, you are going to pay attention to the details...and get super realistic about the most of us to actually make ANY money, at all - let alone a nice, big, fat, juicy ongoing flow of cash that out paces your expenses.

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