- by -
Robert Farmilo

Thanks for checking out this post.

I  have the time to thank you 'cuz of this thing I am into called TIME LEVERAGING.

One of the most attractive ideas about being a big shot with lots of people running around doing whatever it is that you tell them to do - IS - while they're doing whatever it is you told them to do...
...wait for it...

I know,  I know, and you're welcome.

But most of us just aren't big shots or maybe wouldn't want to be some big deal big shot.
And when people are involved, sometimes problems pop up. So, some of what a big shot ends up doing is telling people what to do about problems that pop up. And also telling people to just go and fix some problem that has popped up.

Problem solving is a big part of leveraging time - and that includes the creative and intelligent application of the art and science of avoiding the suffering which is yet to come. Thinking ahead of the curve is a gift, IF you can get ahead of the curve far enough to see what most people can't see.

I started dreaming about this idea that I had about LEVERAGING TIME - borrowed in parts and pieces from other people - some of these people are into marketing and selling ideas and systems for making opportunities...AND in the process of trying to interest people to get involved, even people who are actually looking around for something, anything, that will allow them to make some money - anything that could get them an extra few hundred dollars a month would be great...and of course more money would be even more wonderful.

Sometimes working with people who really want to make some extra money is a bit like trying to push a bunch of dead bears up trees. It is really, really, really hard to do - basically you cannot push a dead bear up a tree...just...can'
Obviously, these bears are not dead, or being pushed up this particular tree - - -
So, that's one of the great secrets - learn how to inspire the bear to climb the tree.

So, I came up with this great idea - and I am going to share it with you - and every great idea needs a super fantastic title, so I decided to call this great idea...

Now, before I get into the deep meat of LA IDEA, let me warn you explicitly and annoyingly about how you may well NOT get the power flowing in and through this very simple...idea.

You may NOT see the inherent, pulsating POWER locked in this...process of EXTREME TIME LEVERAGING.

This is where you get to create through attraction - the people who are going to get involved in LA IDEA are going to be people who are looking for something powerful enough to change their own personal financial situation - something that will work, and NOT just another disappointment.

Keep coming back to this post, cuz I am going to spell out exactly what LA IDEA is, and how you can use the power that is bursting forth from EXTREME TIME LEVERAGING. 



I think that one of the things that holds people back from unbridled success in many a business undertaking is the lack of enough people taking part in a serious way with whatever the opportunity might be.

This might be due to the fact that the opportunity:
And I am sure I could make a much longer list.

The following outline may not be for everybody, but it does help to create a much needed ingredient - and that is a sticky glue like quality to help keep people actively involved in the concrete, practical aspects of doing the doing part of building a business.

The online world offers a near-perfect setting to make use of LA IDEA - you can reach out with the message, and attract those who are actually looking for the essence contained within LA IDEA.

But you have to really "get" the power contained in LA IDEA to be able to transfer the latent potential humming within LA IDEA.

By now you probable want me to cut to the, I am going to prepare a video for you to watch that cuts through the clutter, and will get you inside LA IDEA.

AND you can read the basics of LA IDEA right here, and now - - -


When you are all alone with a great opportunity, it is often quite difficult to get some traction and make things happen, and start to generate that all important traction and momentum.

IF you are working with an opportunity that is based in attracting other people to "join up" and/or "sign-up," AND if you actually manage to get a few people to become affiliates through your link, or distributors, or...whatever...well, there is the horror of watching such hard-won people drop away...and quit! Ugh. Yuck.

LA IDEA is a way to stop this from happening.

I know that many will read what follows and the content will simply fly past and through with NO real connection to what this will do for you. But a few will really get "it."

So here goes!

Let's agree on one simple fact - there are only 24 hours in each day.

And there is ONLY one of you...agreed?

And you only have so many hours in that 24 hours...that you can use for your online business...'cuz there's sleep, and bathing, and, well, all that other stuff that gobbles up your most precious asset...which is TIME.

You need to have something that keeps people involved in your online business...something that keeps them glued in that they never want to leave...'cuz they are making money...and they don't have to lie, cheat, scam, make that money.

So, I talk to Mary, and explain what LA IDEA is - how it works - and Mary...get's it. She really sees the power inherent in LA IDEA. So she gets involved, and now there are 2 of us working LA IDEA.

I started of with just me, all by myself...looking for just one person...and I found Mary, who was all by herself. But now there are 2 of us...looking for just one person. Maybe it's Mary who finds John, or maybe it's me, doesn't matter.

John listens to the premise of LA IDEA, and he gets it. Not everyone will see the power of LA IDEA, but that's okay. You're NOT looking for everyone, you're only looking for just ONE person...that's it.

So John really gets it, and he decides that he can invest 3 hours a week into LA IDEA...looking for just one person.

And maybe Mary can invest 2 hours a week...that's cool.

And you? Maybe you can only invest one hour each week...better than nothing.

Now you have 3 people looking for just one person...just one.

You find that one person...and her name is Sally...and Sally just about freaks out when she hears about LA IDEA...blows her mind...and she, both feet, and starts to look for just one person...and Sally can invest say 2 hours a week...looking for just one person.

You are really leveraging your time...your one hour a week is now generating 8 hours of time...and you're getting some momentum.

And wait a have an online business, right? And all these people who have joined are working in YOUR online business, right?

Yes, and you are working in their online business...that's absolutely crucial...and one of the big attracting powers of LA are all working for your OWN business by working for each others business.

Each new person who joins is placed in the last person to joins, it looks like this...


...AND so on...
The power of attraction works to keep people glued in tight...and keeps the cash flowing into the business - YOUR business - but also is each person in LA IDEA who are also making money...and getting the benefit of group power, and true leveraging of time.

You are all working for yourselves AND each other...looking for just one person.

There are some other important details for you to that you can really make this system of marketing hum - and get strong, lasting results.

Okay, so I come to you and ask you, "How would you like 10 people working for you in your own online business...and each one of those ten people are looking for just one person...and they are all in your business, working for you, finding one person at a be in YOUR business...does that sound interesting to you?"


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