- By -  
  Robert Farmilo 

So you want to make money online, do you?
Me too!

What I've noticed as I've trudged along the path to earning a big, fat, juicy living online...is that there is definitely a strange and dark phenomenon going on within the larger community of people striving to make money...online.

This is what's happening...let's say we focus on you you you...and that's as it should be, right? After all, that's who is MOST important in the whole wide world, right?


Well, there are a whole bunch of other people with the same view as you...and that is that THEY are the most important person in the whole entire world...NOT you!

When you arrive online, filled with trepidation and a tiny bit of hope that maybe you too can get a few crumbs from the vast banquet table of online cash flow being served up every single second...

...And you begin to try and figure out what you could possibly do to get those few crumbs onto your plate...and you begin to notice that churning ocean of possibilities...with so many bright and shiny things glittering and blinking and winking at you...each one with the promise of untold riches...just waiting for you to unlock the vault...and gain entry to the elite, top-secret...well, maybe you get the idea.

The people who arrived some time before you did to this online miracle...some of them are actually earning a nice chunk of change...and have no need for a job, or...paycheck. They have replaced the income from a job, perhaps many times over, and are living a life that you now want to live, too.

But...how did they do it?
Oh...there are so many different ways to do it, too.

What I want to tell you is that there is a definite tinge of open season aimed at the new arrivals to this mysterious online migration of...people...to the Land of Making Money Online.

The ones who arrived before you did...some of them are established immigrants...who have already homesteaded and carved out their various online identities from what was (and is) a virtual world.

And you are fair game, my dear little tender piece of meat. You are meat for the meat-eaters. They will lure you in, too. With the temptations of what you are seeking: 
Boil it all down, this is what I am telling you: You are going to have to invest time and resources (money) into whatever you do online...to make money.

And for many people who are waiting for you...you are a sucker...who MUST be parted from your time and resources...because they were like you, at one time, and it happened to them...so it is ONLY fair that it should happen to you, too.

That is the dynamic at work. Take the time to read through that last paragraph, again: Because they were fleeced, it is ONLY fitting that you get fleeced, too. And they are happy to provide you with the lesson...only it isn't going to be a FREE lesson.

The really good news is that there are people like me online. 

Like me, they offer sanity and honesty as their business model. And they make no bones about the cold, hard FACT that if you want to make money online...you better be prepared to invest your time and money.

There is NO other way.
But the crooks and liars will lure you in with the false promise of easy, quick wealth at the click of a mouse...without you having to spend a penny or maybe more than a single second lining up your cursor and hitting that “submit” button on that shiny, shiny website...which is really just a cool landing page.

And the term “submit” is very apt.

What I offer online is the chance to associate with real people who have successfully migrated to the Online World, and are earning a nice living...all of it flowing from their online work.

Some of these people are stupendously wealthy...from their work online. And some are only modestly stinking rich...from their online work.

They are honest about what they do...and each one has part of the puzzle pieces that you need to put together your own legitimate, real, online business...that will begin to make you money online.

This will allow you to avoid many, many pitfalls and wastes of time and money that you really do NOT have to go through unless you really like suffering because it's going to build you some more character.

So...unless you want to fall prey to those who see you as a sucker who deserves everything they can do to you...because, after all, they went through that, too...make a smart move and begin to work with me.

Here's what happens, “Out There:” Once you arrive in the online business world, the legitimate people waiting to help you are going to explain that it takes both time and money to get where they are. And they did the same thing, too. The difference is...they have been at it longer than you have.

So, now that you've arrived, you have to go through the same journey, more or less...and pay your dues, too. And since you've showed up...wanting what they have, you are going to be obliged to pay for it...just like they did.

I hope you are getting a flavour taste of what I am describing to you: The expert sells what he/she knows for a price...just like you will...once you become an expert.

In order to make money online, you NEED to have something people want to buy from you...whatever it is...and you NEED to have people find you...online.

You NEED to become an expert at what you do...and that may just mean becoming an expert at finding real experts who can do what you are NOT an expert at doing.

And an expert is someone who is actually making money online...if that's what you want to do.

Do you want to make money online?
That's the question to ask yourself. Because if you do want to make money online...you can do this. It is possible...to earn a decent living online.

Let's get your online business ventures started right now: Click on the link below, register your name and email address...and follow-up with me.

I am so easy to find out about...just Google and Youtube my name.

All the Best,
Robert Farmilo,
Online Guide

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