Hello, Sucker!

Why You Are the New Meat

Robert W. Farmilo

I am going to write this article with the blazing truth-gun firing away at your fricking brain.

I do hope some of it goes in your mind.

Then again, maybe I don't.

Because IF I let you in on the biggest joke of all...you might very sensibly run away.
AND that will mean I won't make some cash-money off you.

The chump in the room is YOU.
And maybe me, too.

Oh, your reasons for being here are noble enough...aren't they?
YOU want to make some money online...right?

NOTE: Are you ready to get started right now? Yeah? Okay, click it.

That's why you are here...sniffing around, trying to find SOMETHING, anything...that will at long last solve the puzzle, break the code...and FINALLY start making you some cash.

BUT here's the thing. 
The deck is stacked.
The dice is loaded.
And YOU are the fresh, new meat in the room.
And anything goes.

You see, my dear silly fool...you are not meant to make money online.
Your basic understanding of how business works means that you will NEVER rise above the fear-based, job mentality that keeps you broke.
Living paycheck to paycheck.
Barely keeping your wallet above the water.

But hey! Don't worry! I am going to help you by taking the last few dollars you have out of YOUR wallet...and deftly transferring them into...MY wallet!
Thank you, Chump.

One way that I am going to do that is by creating very alluring sales funnels that will boggle your tiny brain into believing that at last, yes, at last...I am going to start making some real money online.

And if I enroll in the coaching program with Joe Guru...at long last...I am going to make some serious cash money.

Oh, it does happen.
I've made some serious money online.

See...when I say that...IF I give you a bunch of screen shots of my affiliate earnings...or money I've made from my eBooks...or from...whatever...YOU are going to be gulled into thinking that I am Mister Trump-Tastic.

And IF I get a bunch of testimonials on the sales page...you are going to be impressed.
Look at all these other silly buggers who have made some money.
They are like me.
Maybe this will work for me, too.

Oh, Baby...did we ever see you coming.
We know...you see...how to push your buttons.
We cull the latest and best research on how to INFLUENCE you.
This stuff is so deep...it goes right into how your brain responds to colours and fonts and tones of voice, and facial expression...and so on.

And I am one of the biggest PIMPS around.
I am a fricking legend at promotion.
The on the floor kind.
The real kind.
I am the guy who gets you to buy something you had no intention of buying.
You come into my store...on your mission to get some groceries...say at Costco...and then you come within my gravitational field of influence.

You hear my voice.
You see me beckoning to you.
There is something so different about what I am doing.
You've NEVER in your insignificant life seen a product demonstrator like me...EVER.

And you can't help yourself.
Even when you say, "Oh, no thanks...I'm good."
As an attempt to brush me off.
Not even that stops me.

I retort, "Oh, I know you're good. That's not in dispute. I can see that you're...good."

And my tone of voice is so smuggy and neo-snotty...it's verging on being insufferably insolent. 
Like I've just bitch-slapped you.
Insulted you.
And it galls you.

It's NOT nice.

But you've brushed me off.
And that pissed me off.

And that's what happens online, too.
The money makers have an attitude, you see.
They want you to be hypnotized, and when you aren't...they get testy.

But what I've learned is that it is far better to let the person who says, "Oh, no thanks, I'm good..."
Let them go.
Maybe say something nice.
In a nice way, too.
And don't be phoney baloney about it, either.

Awful truth number one:
  • For the con to work...you actually have to believe in your own lies 
  • This is one of the great secrets of a professional con man
  • YOU have to believe...for a little while...when you are roping in the sucker, that what you are saying is actually...TRUE
  • It's like when you are an actor...and you really become the role...that's when you are no longer being Tom Cruise pretending to be somebody else but is still acting like Tom Cruise pretending to be somebody else
  • That's how WE get you...the really good ones
AND the best part is that some people online who are working in the Make Money Online niche actually are sincere, genuine people.

There are some of them who are the real-deal.
They are offering real products and services that actually work.
That doesn't involve selling you something that then you have to sell to some other sucker in a chain of suckers being sucked in.

And it all starts with some poor chump typing into the Google search bar something like:
  • how to make money online
  • work from home
  • how to make money from home
  • jobs from home
  • jobs online
  • telecommuting jobs
  • how to start an online business
AND so on.
And I don't know which one is the most popular search query.
Oh, I tried to find out.
But Google doesn't like to answer the specific question. 
And I get sent to page one search results that are NOT answering my question.

What's going on?

You are the fresh meat.
You might have some cash money that I can suck out of your bank account.
And I am going to do it before some other Mega-Trump can woo you with the smart talk and the pictures of my amazing life style that you can ONLY ever dream of having.

Here's the thing...my big problem...is that I actually am SINCERE.
I want you to make money online.
I want to help you.

And I can help you.
But you won't listen to me.
Because I am telling you the truth.
YOU are NEVER going to be making ANY money online.

Because you are stupid and lazy.
You won't do the HARD work.
And you won't spend ANY money.
(OR if you prefer...INVEST any money in your own business.)

Because you don't get it.
To make money you have to spend money.
AND time.

And it requires taking risks.
Yes, they can be calculated risks.
But they are...risks.
You might not make a profit.

What? What word did he just type in?
Yes, that horrible, ugly word.
Not a paycheck.
Not a benefit.
But a...wait for it...PROFIT.

See how close this word is to that word?
  • Prophet
  • Profit
They both sound exactly the same, don't they?

So here is the rule...to make money online...YOU have to become a prophet to make a profit.

That's it.
You have to be an accurate prophet to make a substantial profit.
Somehow you have to see something that is going to make money, and then work that sucker so you aren't the sucker.

  • Relieve pain and suffering
  • Find a problem and then solve the problem
  • Amuse people
  • Be relate-able
  • Be fricking HONEST
  • Do what you say you are going to do
  • Stay True to the Word
  • DARE to turn away from corruption
  • Be very, very sneaky
  • Tell people what they don't want to hear
  • Prepare yourself for the fact that NOBODY gives a poo about you until they think you can help them somehow
  • Edify people, raise them up
  • Focus on the things we have in common...NOT what divides us
OR you can become rich and powerful by using fear and more fear to motivate and gather your following.

Yes, you see...by conjuring up the image of scarcity...limited time...limited quantity...I can move so much product. 
You better believe it.
Whenever I use the basics of fear-based promotion, marketing and sales...I quietly watch from inside myself as The Suckers reach for the pile of whatever it is...and grab their item and put it in their shopping cart, and head for the waiting cash registers.

And it works.
Every single time.
And that's why you are a sucker.
That's why when the price is put up next to the product and or service it says:

    Oh, we saw you walking in the door.
    Here's what I mean.
    (Oh, wait a moment...this will mean you are actually going to have to click on the link and read the article.)
    But you aren't going to do that, are you?
    Because you are too lazy and self-absorbed to EVER want to really make money online.
    Why should you have to do ANY work, right?
    It's just too much to ask of you.
    And that's why you are NEVER going to make any money at anything.
    Because you'd rather sit around binge watching Breaking Bad or Jesus Loves Me.
    Sorry to hurt your rather fragile feelings.

    Here is the link...yeah, it's coming in a few more lines.
    IF by any small percentage of chance you are one of the VERY FEW who actually is determined to figure this fricking thing out...you are going to click this link and read the article.
    But don't worry.
    It isn't some sly little sales trap.
    This is real content that will explain to you the minutiae (little stuff) of how you are being played, Sucker.
    Here is the link:

    So maybe by now you want me to hold your hand and help you make money online?
    I will do it.
    And I will bring everything I have to the table, too.
    Here is one I can recommend that you join.
    And I will help you, too.
    Yes, really.

    But be warned...
    ...This one is the type where you find other people to buy what you've just bought.
    So if you don't like the feel of that, you go right on doing all the usual crap that you have read about that is supposed to make you money online.
    Like finding a niche that you are passionate about and...well, if you've been around for awhile...you know that song and dance number all too well.

    Here is my way of cutting through the clutter:
    • Get a TREMENDOUSLY powerful sales funnel
    • Buy quality "traffic" and aim it at your sales funnel
    • Collect your money
    • Harvest those emails
    • Market to those flesh and blood suckers
    • Collect your money
    Oh, by the way...it is VERY important that you tell the suckers that they are suckers.
    It really helps convert the suckers into buyers.
    You get naked with them.
    This makes you ONE of THEM.
    And they like that.
    Don't you?

    Oh...are you one of those who is walking by, saying, "I'm good. No thanks."
    But if you are so fed-up with yearning to make money online...I mean you get it, you see how it will be so wonderful to FINALLY tell your boss to go reproduce him or herself...and watch your Paypal account swell with PROFIT.

    • To make money while you sleep.
    • Have that DREAM vacation every blessed day of the remains of your insignificant life.
    • Be able to get new teeth.
    • Get your back fixed.
    • Pay for Little Jimmy's new bike.
    • Buy the wife a new car.

    You need to be with the winners, and learn from them. 
    Study them. 
    Figure it out, Buddy.
    • To make money you have to spend money
    • You have to INVEST your money in something that actually makes you cash-flow
    • That makes you a PROPHET...so you can PROFIT
    • Or latch on to someone who is a real-deal prophet...so you can make a profit, too
    Here is the link.

    And it is going to make you a lot of money.
    But you have to do your due diligence.
    Research. Think. Feel.
    Get the best sales funnel you can...aim quality traffic at that sales funnel...and FIRE!
    Click this now:

    And if you are just so done with wasting your time...come on over to my personal website, and sniff around...have a few laughs...see what all the fuss is about.

    Here is the next one you MUST see to believe.
    It converts like crazy!

    Yeah, and contact me.
    Let's get to know each other.
    I can actually help you make money online.
    Save you a lot of time and money.

    Okay, I'm done for now.

    All the Best!
    Robert Farmilo,
    World's Greatest Live Promoter, EVER!
    PS---Get this book on Amazon. It is the most dangerous book ever published.


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