By Robert Farmilo
Marketing, PrOmOtiOn, and SALES!
How to AVOID Scams, Scoundrels, Liars, Cheaters, and Thieves
(Picture of Robert Farmilo)
How to AVOID Scams, Scoundrels, Liars, Cheaters, and Thieves
(Picture of Robert Farmilo)
Hello! I am so glad you could make it to this edition of The Truth About Money...How Money Works...
Before we get really started, here is a FREE link for you to use, everytime you contemplate joining some online biz op (business opportunity)...whatever catagory it might be...
This will help you avoid much suffering which is yet to come...always a good idea...
Like for example, the links in this edition of the blog...MARKED WITH "WARNING"
Another excellent FREE resource to check out any link you might be getting ready to click on:
And here is another place to go and check out a company, domain name, website, biz-op (code for business opportunity)
Oh, gee, sorry...a little personal bias displayed is the link:
My advice is check out each and every business you are considering being involved with. This means taking care of your "due diligence."
IF for some supposed reason there is some issue about time...and you feel that feeling that you simply must act NOW...before it is too late...that you are going to miss the deal of a lifetime...
...You are being manipulated by the "urgency factor"...and the basic premise is: "I have another guy coming to get this car in one if you are going to buy it, you better get it, now, before it's gone, Buddy..."
This is also known as the...
Here is a brief Youtube video explaining some of this process:

So, here's the thing...especially in the online-internet universe of "biz-ops" are being supremely manipulated by base instincts and strong impulses that run through your basic nature...
You are your own worst enemy when it comes to combating the EVIL SCAM-STIENS that run rampant through the internet...
I am going to give you a few of the nastiest slimesters to avoid...and I am going to include some of the posts I made about my initial infatuation with these truly EVIL internet demons...
Especially humiliating for me to post these shiny posts...full of my hubris...and self-deception...and worst of all...I was (at the time) earnestly promoting these links...
Now I know better.
So, here is my...
These are the guys you want to stay clear of...and IF you find yourself on their websites, capture pages, splash pages, squeeze yourself a favour and get gone...
Later on in this post, I will reveal a post I wrote as part of this post...that displays my own hubris...about a "biz-op" I promoted...and the money I thought I was making...(Boy, was I duped, but good!)...
Now, this would be somewhat funny IF it did not happen again...with a completely different "biz-op"...where I actually have made money...really...the ONLY difficulty was and is...they...just...didn' me...
Okay, first up...
If you ever stumble across
or any combination of these words...
Here is an example of what they look like:
And now here is what another of these online criminals hide behind...and how easy it is for gullible dummies (like me!) to be sucked in...IF you land on this or any page that looks like this one...BEWARE... is the post I did about how great I was...and how much money I was making...just read this and laugh, shake your head in disbelief about how...full-of-it I became...
This is easier than it are some actual facts...from a current campaign I am sales and it marketing and sales (?)...hmmm...
I am going to just go and check and see what the current dollar figure is...
that this particular little beauty...has delivered...while I was lying on my back, out in the voluptious meadow...staring up at the blue patched sky...sun and breeze...and big, spreading tree...very quiet, and...lush...
Okay, I've just gone and checked...clicked on my link...hmmmm...let's see, while I was doing nothing...I made...$ 103 minutes...of doing absolutely NOTHING...
...earlier today...the same deal clocked in $16.00 in 27 minutes...
I think, so far, today...the best little pocket was $134.00 in 40 minutes...
NOW, some of that time I was helping my sister do some stuff at a school...and we did some shopping for food...well, she did the shopping, I tagged along...Yeah, it was very...okay -
This online money making thing really does happen, it really does work...
And, I am going to bring you across with me, cross the line...entering the great always on of the online world...
Since about 8 a.m. this morning, I've made $324.00 on this one deal...
I make money while I sleep -
The money finds me cuz I help other people make money...
...may read silly...goes against some of our instincts...BUT when I spend a little money on promotion, using marketing to get in front of my customer...
OR get my customer hunting me...motivated...hungry for what I have to feed them -
MY online thing is to give people something they really want and need, and make it easy -
Yes, I really did write those words.
I thought I had made money online.
And for a few lovely moments, I knew the feeling...the magic feeling.
And then I got to feel the feeling of NOT making money online...of being duped, dorped, dunked, and done. encounter with MY LEAD COMPANY.

Hint: liars, thieves, cheats, bullies, thugs...

If you find yourself on any landing page, squeeze page, splash page OR website...with any of these images...JUST KEEP ON GOING...
This is easier than it are some actual facts...from a current campaign I am sales and it marketing and sales (?)...hmmm...
I am going to just go and check and see what the current dollar figure is...
that this particular little beauty...has delivered...while I was lying on my back, out in the voluptious meadow...staring up at the blue patched sky...sun and breeze...and big, spreading tree...very quiet, and...lush...
Okay, I've just gone and checked...clicked on my link...hmmmm...let's see, while I was doing nothing...I made...$ 103 minutes...of doing absolutely NOTHING...
...earlier today...the same deal clocked in $16.00 in 27 minutes...
I think, so far, today...the best little pocket was $134.00 in 40 minutes...
NOW, some of that time I was helping my sister do some stuff at a school...and we did some shopping for food...well, she did the shopping, I tagged along...Yeah, it was very...okay -
This online money making thing really does happen, it really does work...
And, I am going to bring you across with me, cross the line...entering the great always on of the online world...
Since about 8 a.m. this morning, I've made $324.00 on this one deal...
I make money while I sleep -
The money finds me cuz I help other people make money...
...may read silly...goes against some of our instincts...BUT when I spend a little money on promotion, using marketing to get in front of my customer...
OR get my customer hunting me...motivated...hungry for what I have to feed them -
MY online thing is to give people something they really want and need, and make it easy -
Yes, I really did write those words.
I thought I had made money online.
And for a few lovely moments, I knew the feeling...the magic feeling.
And then I got to feel the feeling of NOT making money online...of being duped, dorped, dunked, and done. encounter with MY LEAD COMPANY.
Hint: liars, thieves, cheats, bullies, thugs...
If you find yourself on any landing page, squeeze page, splash page OR website...with any of these images...JUST KEEP ON GOING...
Yes, it is free to join MY LEAD COMPANY (MLC),
and, yes, you do get a free website...
and there really is a downline that grows underneath you...VERY EXCITING... is all a sham.
You will NEVER get the 100 free leads...EVER.
When you earn commissions...and try and get paid, you will be given such a run around...and, ultimately, MLC just doesn't pay commissions, EVER!
How do I know this? 'Cuz it happened to me.
I joined MLC free...and I promoted MLC...and people joined...(it does "convert" very well)...and people bought leads...and I bought leads, too.
I bought leads cuz it "qualified" me to earn a bigger percentage of commission. When you do NOT buy leads, you get 25% of the total of the FIRST purchase of anyone you PERSONALLY sponsor...
When you buy get 50%...but ONLY the FIRST purchase by someone you DIRECTLY, PERSONALLY sponsor.
The rest of the "commissions" are set in various payouts based on a sliding scale of percentages, based on the total sales volume of YOUR group.
And you do get a cut of the entire downline underneath you, whether or not you sponsored anyone, or anyone you sponsored sponsored anyone (and so on).
This all looks wonderful on the fantastic fantasy "Back Office" "ewallet", and "commission history" is all...a big fat con job.
You will NEVER, EVER get paid your commissions, EVER.
Plus the leads you buy from MLC...the leads suck! They are tired, grumpy, used up, burnt-out...and very, very, very old...good luck getting any results with the phony junk leads MLC sells you.
Basically, they take your money, and get you to recruit other suckers (like me), and when you wise up, and try and get your money is a copy of an email they sent me: (oops...I will post the email in due course)
What happened...I asked the credit card processing company (SW Reg) to refund me the money I had spent on MLC "products" (the crappy leads).
MLC sent me an email telling me they were going to sue me, and put me in collection, and ruin my credit rating UNLESS I withdrew my request for a refund with SW Reg...
In the same email, MLC offered me 500 "free" leads IF I would comply and tell SW Reg I no longer wanted a refund.
So...I wrote SW Reg an email cancelling my request for a refund...and I sent MLC a copy of said same. I NEVER received the promised 500 "free" leads from MLC.
BIG SURPRISE...gee, was I shocked, or what.
When you check into will find similar version is consistent with the experience of many, many people who have been bullied, threatened, harassed, insulted, out-right CHEATED, and so on, by MLC.
My advice is: Do NOT do business with My Lead Company, or any of its subsidiaries, owners, founders, and so on.
Wow, talk about slick...and does this sucker ever "convert"...and, yes, some people are making a lot of money through the Empower Network "biz-op"...and you could be one of them...
IF you land on any Empower Network site, or any landing page, squeeze page, splash page...keep on going.
Here are some images to help you avoid the suffering which is yet to come:
Yes...for a measly $25.00, you too can harness the power of The Two Daves...and with some serious can become RICH!
Okay, okay...NO WUSSIES! We do NOT want any, don't join our wonderful EMPOWER NETWORK if you are a WUSS!
Cuz if you want a refund, you are a WUSS! And a WUSS is definitely NOT wanted! Got that?
And hey, it is only a measly $25.00!
Once you pay the $25.00, you are going on the "inside"...and first thing that are told by the landing have to pay another "one-time-processing-fee" of $19.87, or, $18.97, or, $21.79 ...I can't remember the exact amount...and if you do NOT pay this "one-time-processing-fee"...well...that's it, that's all...YOU DO NOT GET "IN", and there are NO REFUNDS, remember?
So...if you are like me, you pay the "one-time-processing-fee", and then you get the next fist up your bum...
You have to pay a monthly "administration fee" of $23.95, or, $17.87, or whatever it was and is...and if you do NOT pay this...well, you do NOT get "in"...and you are a WUSS...and, hey, remember, we told you, NO REFUNDS!
So, you figure that's got to be it, right?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha (insert laugh track).
NO, it is just the beginning. Empower Network has several levels of scam-a-lacious fees and charges...and "upgrades"...remember, NO WUSSIES!
By the time you are fully "all in" you will have paid out $4000.00 (four thousand dollars). PLUS the Empower Network is going to push the conventions and extra special this and that...the Two Daves are always going to have their hands in your pockets
And there are NO REFUNDS...EVER!
Go on and check out EMPOWER NETWORK on the web...make sure you avoid the phony scam reviews that are nothing more than fake sites to promote Empower Network.
Here are some pictures of the Two Daves who started Empower Network:
Dave Sharpe, and Dave Wood...excellent dudes...only thing is, NO REFUNDS, and a lot of hype...which they both freely admit is very important...hype is good for business!
Am I just jealous? Do I want to be one or both of the Two Daves?
Here's the thing...JUST STOP LYING TO ME!
Don't tell me the price is whatever it is, and then hit me with some bogus "fee" crap...
Tell me the REAL price, all the little details, NOT this sleazy con-job rip-off. That's what's wrong with EMPOWER NETWORK. Also, the actual stuff you get can all be sourced FREE...including the blogging platform!
Also, be WARNED...whatever you write and blog on the Empower(less) will NOT own the copyright, EVER! They do. NOT you.
So if you ever leave EN (Empower Network), you cannot delete your blog ramblings...and EN keeps your posts up...FOREVER...pimping out the EN presence...
Here is my prediction: Empower Network is going to implode. What will happen is...they are going to reach saturation...and then the magic is - poof! - gone. The black hole of collapse, and the ordinary people are going to quit faster than the ordinary people are going to be joining...and that is when it all comes tumbling down.
Until that fine, fine day...the EN circus is going to be sucking suckers like me in...and then the pain will be passed on...cuz the only way I was gonna make ANY money out of EN was to be a big fat liar...and suck some sucker like
And inject them with the hype-o-dermic jive bullpoo...and get them to find other suckers just like me...and so on. It is a chain of pain and deceit.
My advice is: DO NOT DO BUSINES WITH EMPOWER NETWORK, and know clearly that the Two Daves are cooking up a whole new level of scam-a-cide with something they are calling EN2...EMPOWER NETWORK squared...
PLUS they have fingers into various internet-online stuff...see, the thing is, once you get some cash going, then you can move into the bigger stuff, and thus...keep on going...building "it" bigger and bigger, deeper and wider.
NEXT: the "Biz-Ops" that tell you stuff like you will never have to buy anything, ever.
Especially the ones that promote the deals where you ONLY have to join an "offer" from various "Freebie" sites...and then you qualify to earn money when people you refer to the same sites also "complete" the "free offers."
Here is what I have learned...most of these "biz-ops" tell you that these "completely free offers" are coming from "Fortune 500 Companies"...
The offers are NOT free...and definitely NOT from Fortune 500 companies.
Oh, true, you might get part of the qualification partial credits by filling out surveys for a survey company...IF you qualify for the survey.
But to get fully will have to spend some money. Usually as much as you will end up making IF you can get anyone else to do the same thing as you.
That is where the "program" comes in...with really cool support stuff to help you promote your referral link...
Okay, enough for now. I will return with some images and names describing these various "biz-ops."
See you then!
The entire purpose of My Partners In Profit is to get you to promote the links using a very thorough tutorial system to teach you, step-by-step, about how to build your online "biz op."
Paul Birdsall is the guy behind this excellent system...and it really is very good...detailed, and filled with useful tools and services that you can use to "drive traffic" to your link...
Mr. Birdsall's program really does "convert", too. I know this to be worked for me.
Now here is why this program is in the HALL OF SHAME...there is a lie buried in the order to complete the "free offers" will quickly discover that you have to spend money.
Now, I personally have NO problem with this...except for the FACT that Mr. Birdsall proclaims otherwise. In all the explaining of how the system works, Mr. Birdsall emphasizes numerous times..."That you won't have to pay a dime for these offers..."
True in a won't have to pay a dime...more like this: You will have to pay MANY dimes.
And out of all the great value, and VERY useful tools and real-deal knowledge that Mr. Birdsall has put into this system...this one...tiny, insignificant...FACT...bothered me: IT AIN'T FREE, BABE!
Mr. Paul Birdsall
So, a bit of a dilemma for a guy like me...I just CANNOT stand misleading people...I want them to know the real-deal truth. IF this means I do NOT get ANYONE, EVER to join with know what? I am so very okay with this.
Instant Pay Day Network is another system that has taken an existing "Free Offer" and put together a complete online "biz-op" program, complete with website, full training, tutorials, support tools, EVERYTHING you need to build your online business.
And it really is awesome! Seriously, when you go through all the stuff you get with this system, wow! And if you do follow all the steps, you are going to get people "opting in", for sure!'s the the presentation...
It says, "FREE..." but it is NOT FREE.
And that is the sticking point.
In both these systems...Mr. Birdsall, and Mr. Jeff Buchanan claim that you can do it "100% FREE!"
Mr. Jeff Buchanan
And this is just NOT cannot.
Are the programs and support systems they have created amazing, helpful, educational, powerful, useful...?
IF you follow, step-by-step, what they teach, and take action...will you get positive results (e.g. MAKE MONEY)?
Will you learn by doing...and be able to transfer what you learn to other online "biz-ops"?
So, what is your problem, Farmilo?
I told you: I just can't telling even one porky.
This all starts with an ad post on Craigslist...
Click on the ad post subject line...and...presto! You get taken to this:
And you'll notice a big space between the top of the ad-post...and the bottom of said same:
So...why is there the big space between the top and the bottom of the Craig's List ad?
The blank space is NOT really is actually full of text in html code...and this does NOT show up in the Craig's List ad that you see.
'Cuz the dirty rotten scoundrels are putting in random text (which you canNOT see)...and that is done to FOOL the Craig's List spybots...
...and that's so this poison ad will NOT get "ghosted" by the Craig's List scam software.
"Ghosted" means...deleted.
Anyway...if you did click on the link in the stop is the landing-squeeze page that will look like this:
Oh, yeah, IF you do this, YOU might make some money...BUT these deals come and go...incarnating as mostly the same look...and ALWAYS the same pitch:
And like all the scam-a-bo-dacious fake job REFUNDS:
Phony offers to boost traffic, bring you more visitors to your website, referral link, online business...
When you see this next site, keep on going...DO NOT INVEST ANY MONEY IN THIS OFFER!
Okay, here is a link...
When you consider ANY online "biz-op"...keep the following points as YOUR healthy avoid the suffering that is yet to come:
- Google the name of the "biz-op";
- Remember Google "biz-op" reviews often are shuck and jive fake reviews;
- Use Google to dig deeper;
- Use to scrutinize the domain name of any "biz-op";
- Find a reputable forum and search for the answer to the basic question: Is it legit? Does it actually work?
- A lot of people on the forums have a VERY hidden agenda...and will steer you towards scams, often without even knowing it is a scam...or worse, with full knowledge that it is just another money-sucking heart-breaker;
- Get in contact with me...and I will boil the "biz-op" offer in truth-serum;
SKYPE: robert.farmilo
PHONE: 205-607-4308
- IF there is a "limited time"..."YOU must act NOW!"...know that you are being manipulated using your most basic of instincts;
- The "biz-op" MAY have some legitimate limited-time's possible;
- Most of the "limited-time" "time-sensitive" stuff is part of the "closing corral" or "funnel"...designed to get YOU to pay, NOW!
- The propulsion-compulsion to buy...the sense of desperation you have PART of the process to get you to "bond" with YOUR new "biz-op" love affair;
I could go on and on with my bullet points...but the point is...DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE...and IF you "feel" the urgency to ACT NOW...know completely and deeply, you are being spun by your own innate, deepest drives.
This is the moment to STOP. Get up from your computer...put down your smart-phone...turn away from your tablet...and DO NOT TAKE ACTION, NOW!
Enough! Let's move on to Part Two! Hurry up! Cuz you cannot do without this!
IF you want to make money online...
...YOU NEED THIS, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(sorry, I just couldn't resist)
Here's the thing...I am going to slay you with The Truth Gun by first of all pointing it at me. And I am going to pull the trigger, and shoot myself with The Truth Gun.
Here are the black arts of online money making schemes that will suck you in, and get YOUR money and turn it into other people's money.
Are you going to wear the WHITE HAT...or...the BLACK HAT?
Click this link>>>JOURNEY TO THE DARK SIDE!<<<
Yes, even the Beatles manager, Brian Epstien did this...infamous use of hired "fans" to greet the Beatles upon the famed groups first arrival in the U.S. of A. (This MAY be an Urban Legend.)
Basically, we are going to manipulate you to BELIEVE that something/someone is more popular than it really is.
When you open a new nightclub, bar, hang-out spot...what you do is hire some really good looking people to come and be fake, lot's of HOT women...and some HOT guys...dressed really nice...and having a good time...and acting all super friendly...but NOT TOO friendly.
This creates traffic coming in the door...cuz hetro guys like HOT women...and so they come to the bar, nightclub...whatever...and IF done right, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
That's the way it's done, sucker.
You stack the deck...load the dice...distraction...fake-out...FAKE FANS...
and you can do it with Facebook...or Youtube...or...pretty much ANYTHING. When ever a lot of people are cheering...or yelling...or...whatever...just know that can be "encouraged" by hired shills..."helped" by people getting paid to...act out.
Sometimes what seems real, just ain't real...and you can do it with online "biz-ops", especially within the internet universe. And these scams come and go, morphing from one to the next. There are lots of places for bad, evil, lying blood suckers to hide...and hide they do...behind fake names, fake domains, fake opportunities...and when the time comes to roll it up and go - - poof! - - that's what they do.
Paypal earnings: September 16, 2013; Source: TOTAL: $14,567,345.12
See, what did I tell you? There it is! Undeniable proof! I made over 14 million dollars in JUST ONE DAY...using this INCREDIBLY POWERFUL SYSTEM...and YOU CAN TOO! Just CLICK THE PAY NOW, NOW!
Here are some images that are used to manipulate you:

This is along the lines of TRICK NUMBER TWO: LIE...
But it really deserves it's own special example...
And, yes, in a way it is like a blend of all the tricks you have read about in this blog-post-article...
Here is an example:
"The best way to understand our new breakthrough money
making technology is to imagine the Worldwide-Web as an ocean
of money ... our new technology merely makes a way for YOU to
be able to dig a big trench from that 'cash-sea' directly into your
backyard so that the money literally "pours" into your pocket!"
Here is another example:
It's similar to someone offering to pay you 1¢ on the first day of work, and then doubling each following day's wages by each preceding day's earnings. As much as it seems unlikely, after just 30 days you'd have well over $5 million!
The "progression" grows insanely wild every time you double the preceding day's wages.
Likewise, with this little "Viral Marketing Device" your free traffic continues to climb without end ...
We provide YOU all this extra "Automated Internet Marketing Technology" so that you will more than succeed BIG! (So I hope you're beginning to see what an amazing value you truly get when you secure your very own "Cash Making Power Sites!")
What's going on here...I am giving you what you want...NOT what is true and real...but what is FANTASY...and that is the promise of IMMEDIATE riches.
OVERNIGHT wealth...using a simple, plug-in system. And you will be the ONLY one, well, one of the ONLY ones, who gets to use this AMAZING online tool-box of completely automated...whatever it is.
I am telling you what you really want to hear...what you want to believe is true...and that is you won't have to do ANYTHING to get a lot of money really, really quickly.
Now, some flim-flam artistes go about this huberistic hucksterism by telling you that you will have to work...and that you will have to put in massive effort...and that you will have to spend some money, too.
So, there is the pose of the "honest", "tell-it-like-it-is" bandit, and these cheats can be hard to figure out...cuz they are SO close to the truth.
It all comes down to the hard-core fact that for you to make money online...some money is gonna have to change hands...somewhere...and end up in your ewallet.
And you are going to have to be able to get that money extracted from that ewallet, and into your hot, sweaty hands: Real money...coin of the realm...stuff that the store is going to take for that bottle of whatever you are going to go and buy.
In conclusion on this part of the blog-post...TRICKS abound...and are being used by many, many "biz-op" promoters...and the affiliates who pimp out the said same "biz-ops" are often only too well aware of the EVIL LYING CON...hidden within the shiny, bright landing page.
My honest view is that there are some okay deals out there...and YOU have to do your due diligence.
I am so addicted to this area of ecommerce...the "biz-op", and the MLM components of many of the "biz-ops"...I am in love with this stuff.
My own personal choice is to NEVER promote a "biz-op" that is the least bit infected with dishonesty. I simply cannot do it.
And further, I want to WARN people about the ones I know about that are NOT okay. I hope that Part One and Part Two of this blog-post help you to AVOID THE SUFFERING WHICH IS YET TO COME.
Now, on to the good stuff...and how you really can make money online...and NOT have to be a creep to do it.
Stay tuned for the next part...
...another example of the "All-in-One" online "Biz-Op.
TOP 10
BEST of the BEST
Online Biz Gurus

Seth Godin is an entrepreneur, author, public speaker, and founder of Yoyodyne, one of the first online marketing companies back in 1995. He is also a founder of the community interest sharing site. Author of 11 books, Godin believes that the end of the TV industrial complex means marketers no longer have the power to command attention as the power of choice has shifted to consumers. In order to be successful, marketers must show restraint and respect. Today, the only way to spread the word about an idea is for that idea to earn buzz by being remarkable. His concept of permission marketing, where business provides something “anticipated, personal, and relevant” has forever changed marketing. For the latest and greatest from Seth, check out his blog, which Entrepreneur magazine calls “one of the most loved blogs on the internet,” and get Twitter updates via @ThisIsSethsBlog.
Here is a list of links to blog posts chock-a-block full of goodies.
These posts are controversial, and fact-filled gems.
You will discover solid information, and a universe of links to super-sources.
Diverse knowledge is concentrated power, so here are the blog posts...just click on the title of your choice...
How You Are Manipulated...
...The Dark Side
The valid question of how-to make money
online, and become financially dripping in Maserati's...

...IS attractive - the idea of
becoming financially independent, and with a steadily INCREASING positive cash-flow, NO DEBT,
and...well, THAT's part of the DREAM.
To be financially competent, and your "job" is
portable, with your trusty laptop, and/or mobile device...advanced
THE DREAM: You CAN do online universe stuff...and manage multiple accounts...from email to Facebook, to...well...people in ONLINE marketing and promotion and sales NEED AND WANT
to connect with really good quality leads.
For some in the online gold rush, this means creating an enormous list of double opt-in email addresses with solid, action-takers behind each email address. This is definitely part of THE DREAM.
+ SMART thing to do is sell what people
are needing and wanting, and also, sell how to use the stuff they
need and them to be able to teach other people how to
use the tools.
- That these "Other People's" "Other People" do the said same, too -
- so on, and so on, and so on -
Part of THE DREAM is to have an EVER increasing "downline" growing underneath YOU, thus securing your income source, and creating the much coveted part of THE DREAM. And this is called, repeating, residual, long-term, ever-increasing income.
TRANSLATION: More and more and more MONEY...flowing into YOUR pockets, bank accounts, wallets, piggy-banks, gold reserves, treasure chest...
If you go and read the other posts in this series called The Truth About are going to find out how many people on Planet Earth are known billionaires.
Here is a chart from a reliable source about how many MILLIONAIRES there are on Planet Earth:
World Wealth Report 2010:
Global: 10,000,000 0.15% of regional population
North America: 3,100,000 0.62%
Europe: 2,900,000 0.41%
Asia-Pacific: 3,000,000 0.06%
Latin-America: 400,000 0.07%
Middle-East: 400,000 0.10%
Africa: 100,000 0.01%
Yes, that's it...out of the VAST majority of human beings on Planet Earth...ONLY a small number are actual-factual MILLIONAIRES.
Some of them have made ALL their millions from online "biz-ops."
IF we boil down the is an interesting question for you to ponder...
Good Question!
I am researching the answer. Until I dig up some good are a few random percentages that are OFTEN cited:
Yes, that's it...out of the VAST majority of human beings on Planet Earth...ONLY a small number are actual-factual MILLIONAIRES.
Some of them have made ALL their millions from online "biz-ops."
IF we boil down the is an interesting question for you to ponder...
Good Question!
I am researching the answer. Until I dig up some good are a few random percentages that are OFTEN cited:
- ONLY 5% of the people trying to make money online are making any money online;
- ONLY 2% are making ANY "big" money;
- So, do the quick math...95% of us who are trying to make money online ARE NOT MAKING MONEY;
- Another statistic OFTEN mentioned is that 95% of the people trying to make money online NEVER make even one dollar;
Okay, so I have made some money online. Really. How much? So far, if I add it all up, as of today, September 15, 2013, hmmmmm...okay, promise you won't faint, okay?
GRAND TOTAL: $2.00 Elite Viral Mailer; $10.00 something or other for Hootsuite; $6.00 for a Clicksure thing; $4.00 (maybe) from Auto AffiliateX; and what else? Hmmmmm...I know I am leaving something out...anyway, let's add all this up: $22.00
Oh, yeah, now I remember...someone bought a Kindle ebook on that was $8.00 or $8.37...or something like that.
So the GRAND TOTAL is approximately: $30.00
Now, if I could count the money I made that is in the category of NEVER gonna get paid, EVER...well...that was thousands of dollars.
Also, keep in mind, I haven't actually got any of the $30.00 in my hot, greedy hands. It is online universe until I make enough money with each "biz-op" referral deal to qualify to make a withdrawal...and each one has their own minimum amount you have to earn BEFORE you can get a payment of commissions.
By the way, the ebook that was paid for...WOW! So cool. It wasn't somebody from my family doing a mercy-bleep. Really.
And the book is one that I actually have something to do with:
Headline Reads: "GOD WRITES NEW BOOK!"
Here's the thing...I am going to slay you with The Truth Gun by first of all pointing it at me. And I am going to pull the trigger, and shoot myself with The Truth Gun.
Here are the black arts of online money making schemes that will suck you in, and get YOUR money and turn it into other people's money.
You need to know how you are being turned into somebodies double opt-in email address...
And the tantalizing tricks used to get you to give them YOUR money.
Okay, here we go:
(of the many)
Evil Tricks
Online "Biz-Op"
Marketing, Sales, and Promotion
Are you going to wear the WHITE HAT...or...the BLACK HAT?
Click this link>>>JOURNEY TO THE DARK SIDE!<<<
Yes, even the Beatles manager, Brian Epstien did this...infamous use of hired "fans" to greet the Beatles upon the famed groups first arrival in the U.S. of A. (This MAY be an Urban Legend.)
Basically, we are going to manipulate you to BELIEVE that something/someone is more popular than it really is.
When you open a new nightclub, bar, hang-out spot...what you do is hire some really good looking people to come and be fake, lot's of HOT women...and some HOT guys...dressed really nice...and having a good time...and acting all super friendly...but NOT TOO friendly.
This creates traffic coming in the door...cuz hetro guys like HOT women...and so they come to the bar, nightclub...whatever...and IF done right, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
That's the way it's done, sucker.
You stack the deck...load the dice...distraction...fake-out...FAKE FANS...
and you can do it with Facebook...or Youtube...or...pretty much ANYTHING. When ever a lot of people are cheering...or yelling...or...whatever...just know that can be "encouraged" by hired shills..."helped" by people getting paid to...act out.
Sometimes what seems real, just ain't real...and you can do it with online "biz-ops", especially within the internet universe. And these scams come and go, morphing from one to the next. There are lots of places for bad, evil, lying blood suckers to hide...and hide they do...behind fake names, fake domains, fake opportunities...and when the time comes to roll it up and go - - poof! - - that's what they do.
What are the 4 great lies of all time?
- The cheque is in the mail;
- I promise NOT to raise YOUR taxes;
- I love you;
- Make money online, NOW!
3 of the lies have to do with money.
All of the 4 lies manipulate you into believing something that is NOT true.
When YOU believe something is can be highly influenced to take action based on an expectation of a certain and specific outcome.
For example: IF you believe that I will NOT raise your taxes, and that is important to you to NOT have YOUR taxes might well be more inclined to VOTE for me...IF I was running for political office.
And if you believe that I can really and truly make YOU money online using my foolproof, fully automated system...well, kaching! YOU are much more likely to hit that "buy now" button, and send me some of YOUR cash. (Thank you!)
Oh, I know these are all OBVIOUS...but this does NOTHING to rob these lies of their GREAT POWER over your intelligence and common sense. Especially if I frame the lie in SEEMINGLY CREDIBLE EVIDENCE.
Now, this may seem like just another version of the lie thing...but it is NOT...(hey, would I lie to you?)
Just take a look at how much money I have made online! These are live screen capture you know they are REAL! I'm NOT like those jive, fake, con, scammers...NO WAY!
Paypal earnings: September 16, 2013; Source: TOTAL: $14,567,345.12
See, what did I tell you? There it is! Undeniable proof! I made over 14 million dollars in JUST ONE DAY...using this INCREDIBLY POWERFUL SYSTEM...and YOU CAN TOO! Just CLICK THE PAY NOW, NOW!
Okay, okay...enough fun and games...more tricks later.
Right now I want to share a GREAT LINK with you. Check this out...source of truly great info, FREE!
CLICK HERE>>>Dr. Evil's 7 Tips<<<
Here are some images that are used to manipulate you:
Stay tuned for more!
In various market-research studies...time and time has been demonstrated that IF you want to get some action going...put a good looking woman with big breasts in the image...and don't be shy about it, either.
Oh, yes, the good looking woman can be fully dressed...BUT...the top she is wearing...nice and emphasize the breasts.
My friend in online marketing, Mr. Jeremy Shoemaker has taken the time and trouble to research some of this stuff. Let's take a quick scoot over to his website and see what we can find out about breasts and marketing.
Well, I took a look around his website...but the blog post I am looking for...I couldn't find it...maybe you will be more persistent...point need to check this guy out...IF you are actually remotely serious about making money need to dig around in this guy's's the link:
Next...this link is for be able to generate YOUR own "biz-op" contracts...and a place to see how the little, squirmy, weasel-words are put in sequence to either protect you OR put you in great. legal jeopardy.
In various market-research studies...time and time has been demonstrated that IF you want to get some action going...put a good looking woman with big breasts in the image...and don't be shy about it, either.
Oh, yes, the good looking woman can be fully dressed...BUT...the top she is wearing...nice and emphasize the breasts.
My friend in online marketing, Mr. Jeremy Shoemaker has taken the time and trouble to research some of this stuff. Let's take a quick scoot over to his website and see what we can find out about breasts and marketing.
Well, I took a look around his website...but the blog post I am looking for...I couldn't find it...maybe you will be more persistent...point need to check this guy out...IF you are actually remotely serious about making money need to dig around in this guy's's the link:
The sex-sells thing was outlined in a case study the ShoeMaker quoted...and his personal experience with the big breast image...he did a campaign for a dentist...and put in an image of good looking woman with big breasts wearing a tight top...the campaign was for teeth whitening...and they got really good results...e.g. the dentist made a lot more money...but the dentist was...uncomfortable...with the big breasts...and asked to try a different image...upshot was...the new campaign did NOT sell teeth whitening like the sex-sells campaign...
According to the Google and Facebook studies...the big breasted woman thing gets a more people to click on whatever it is...and even women click more on whatever it is...when the big breasted woman is prominently displayed.
One of the great ploys Mr. Paul Birdsall teaches about how to get people on Facebook to give you their double opt-in email address (and their name) to post on Facebook groups that focus on making money online...and to post something like this:
"Tired of getting NO results from your efforts on Facebook?
Find out how I am earning $2 billion each and everyday from/on
Facebook...and learn these simple secrets that will catapult you
into making enormous and vast fortunes...using Facebook!"
Okay, okay...I am going way over the line, I know it.
But the basic idea is in my silly version of this coy little (and very misleading) Facebook post.
Does it work? Yes, it does.
But here's the thing: When the person finally gets "The Secret", what they get is...instructions to write posts on Facebook that offer to give people "The Secret" to making money on Facebook...which is to offer to give them "The Secret"...
Do you get this?
It is just...a loop...
There is no secret: That's the secret!
All you're doing is conning somebody to give up their email address...and get them to give you the sacred, holy double you can put them on your autoresponder and start sending them more "offers"...
Most of the time...the secret thing is NO secret, and that's the secret.
Who wouldn't want to learn THE SECRET to unlocking ultimate online wealth making SECRETS?
One way you can hook people is to offer a really good deal on something that is highly two airplane tickets to anywhere in the U.S. of A. and post that on Craig's List...and put a really irresistible price on the two tickets to anywhere...
Now, make sure you use an email address on your Craig's List ad that you can put on "vacation mode", and write your "vacation mode" message something like this: "Gee, I am sorry, the tickets you want are already sold...but if you want to find out how I got them so cheap...go to this link:"
So, when someone goes to your Craig's List ad, and does reply to your ad, the email address you are using sends them a reply almost instantly...that's how slick this con-job is.
Why is it a con? Cuz you never had two tickets for sale. That was a dirty, rotten lie! All you have for sale is your honour, and a link to some affiliate offer that probably "converts" really well.
And the selling point here is to get some INSIDER INFORMATION on how to score airplane tickets at an insanely low cost.
What the dupe buys is gonna end up being some ebook on how to get cut-rate travel, "written" by some supposed INSIDER in the airline biz...maybe an "Ex Pilot Reveals NEVER BEFORE REVEALED Secrets to Getting AMAZING Deals on...Trips to NEVER-NEVER-LAND!"
And like I said, this kind of thing does "convert", and as a person who wants to make money online...what's the harm with using this harmless fib? (The post-ad on Craig's List.)
Sure, you're gonna make some money, but this stuff has a habit of catching up with you through the unblinking eye of karma's all seeing presence...oh, I know, I know...when is that going to happen?
Well, I have the inside SECRET about how this happens...and all you have to do is ask me to tell you THE SECRET, and I will. Then you will be able to unlock the INNER POWER of MAKING MONEY online on complete AUTOPILOT!
Shhhh...I have THE SECRET...and I am going to share it with YOU...but ONLY for a LIMITED TIME...and ONLY if you ACT NOW!
More later...stay tuned!
More later...stay tuned!
When you join an online "biz-op", you are going to find some sort of "Terms and Conditions" check-box, or a statement that reads: "By clicking the submit button, I agree to all the Terms and Conditions..."
Ah, the Devil is in the details, my dear fools!
Here is an amusing link for you to has to do with MLM (multi-level-marketing) and seems to be a blog-post-news site focusing on the wonderful world of MLM.
From first glance, this site seems to be PRO MLM...with enough stuff to keep you absorbed...and maybe learn a thing or two...especially about the DANGER of getting stuck in some niggle-squit-sqwat detail of a clause in some "biz-op" contract...okay, here is the link:
From first glance, this site seems to be PRO MLM...with enough stuff to keep you absorbed...and maybe learn a thing or two...especially about the DANGER of getting stuck in some niggle-squit-sqwat detail of a clause in some "biz-op" contract...okay, here is the link:
Next...this link is for be able to generate YOUR own "biz-op" contracts...and a place to see how the little, squirmy, weasel-words are put in sequence to either protect you OR put you in great. legal jeopardy.
Click here>>>GET CONTRACT POWER, NOW!<<<
Yeah, wow! Here comes the next link...maybe this can help you once you realize the contract you just clicked on...terms and big chunks...and is definitely NOT in your best interests...and YOU want...OUT, NOW!
This is along the lines of TRICK NUMBER TWO: LIE...
But it really deserves it's own special example...
And, yes, in a way it is like a blend of all the tricks you have read about in this blog-post-article...
Here is an example:
"The best way to understand our new breakthrough money
making technology is to imagine the Worldwide-Web as an ocean
of money ... our new technology merely makes a way for YOU to
be able to dig a big trench from that 'cash-sea' directly into your
backyard so that the money literally "pours" into your pocket!"
Here is another example:
*Note: All email recipients will receive
an email from the person filling out the form, and not you - so you can never
be falsely or wrongly accused of spamming anyone!
And of course the very BEST thing about all this is that "we" pay your traffic
their winnings (you don't have to as we do this for you at NO
extra costs whatsoever!)It's similar to someone offering to pay you 1¢ on the first day of work, and then doubling each following day's wages by each preceding day's earnings. As much as it seems unlikely, after just 30 days you'd have well over $5 million!
The "progression" grows insanely wild every time you double the preceding day's wages.
Likewise, with this little "Viral Marketing Device" your free traffic continues to climb without end ...
We provide YOU all this extra "Automated Internet Marketing Technology" so that you will more than succeed BIG! (So I hope you're beginning to see what an amazing value you truly get when you secure your very own "Cash Making Power Sites!")
How YOU Are Being Spun
What's going on here...I am giving you what you want...NOT what is true and real...but what is FANTASY...and that is the promise of IMMEDIATE riches.
OVERNIGHT wealth...using a simple, plug-in system. And you will be the ONLY one, well, one of the ONLY ones, who gets to use this AMAZING online tool-box of completely automated...whatever it is.
I am telling you what you really want to hear...what you want to believe is true...and that is you won't have to do ANYTHING to get a lot of money really, really quickly.
Now, some flim-flam artistes go about this huberistic hucksterism by telling you that you will have to work...and that you will have to put in massive effort...and that you will have to spend some money, too.
So, there is the pose of the "honest", "tell-it-like-it-is" bandit, and these cheats can be hard to figure out...cuz they are SO close to the truth.
It all comes down to the hard-core fact that for you to make money online...some money is gonna have to change hands...somewhere...and end up in your ewallet.
And you are going to have to be able to get that money extracted from that ewallet, and into your hot, sweaty hands: Real money...coin of the realm...stuff that the store is going to take for that bottle of whatever you are going to go and buy.
In conclusion on this part of the blog-post...TRICKS abound...and are being used by many, many "biz-op" promoters...and the affiliates who pimp out the said same "biz-ops" are often only too well aware of the EVIL LYING CON...hidden within the shiny, bright landing page.
My honest view is that there are some okay deals out there...and YOU have to do your due diligence.
I am so addicted to this area of ecommerce...the "biz-op", and the MLM components of many of the "biz-ops"...I am in love with this stuff.
My own personal choice is to NEVER promote a "biz-op" that is the least bit infected with dishonesty. I simply cannot do it.
And further, I want to WARN people about the ones I know about that are NOT okay. I hope that Part One and Part Two of this blog-post help you to AVOID THE SUFFERING WHICH IS YET TO COME.
Now, on to the good stuff...and how you really can make money online...and NOT have to be a creep to do it.
The Good Stuff
How "IT" Works
There really are excellent methods for making money online. And I am going to share with YOU each and every one that I know.
YOU are going to be given this by me BECAUSE I have a vested interest in each and every part of what I am about to share with YOU.
This means that IF you decide to make use of ANY of these tools, services, products and experts...I am going to benefit financially...I will make money from YOU.
I am into affiliate marketing.
This means that the links I am going to share with you for the remainder of this blog-post are MY affiliate various "biz-ops" and the tools, services, products and experts that will make it possible for you to actually make money online.
Yes, you can boycott these links and find the same stuff on your own...and NOT go through my affiliate links...but it is VERY likely that you will be going through SOMEBODIES affiliate link...AND this person is going to make money...IF you end up buying something.
I am going to provide you with links to a lot of FREE stuff, too.
You can go on Youtube and find FREE help with this online "biz-op" marketing universe...and Google, too.
Many of these links will be infected with affiliate stuff.
The links I am going to share with you that are FREE will be clean, and from highly reputable sources. You will be able to trust the information.
The links to my affiliate stuff will be explained in some detail...and when necessary...IF there is anything you need to know about some aspect that might be NOT in your best interest...I will clearly WARN you...and explain why.
There are some affiliate products, tools, services and experts that have a few glitches and/or limitations...and you NEED to know what these are.
This does NOT mean that the stuff is bad...or scammy...just that you NEED to know...and this is all part of the full-disclosure that makes doing online business more of a pleasure and less of a curse.
The first link is packed full of useful information. It is from my HERO, John Lagoudakis.
I will be sharing some excellent Youtube links with you from John. But first, click on this link, NOW!
The All-In-One "Biz-Op"
The first link is packed full of useful information. It is from my HERO, John Lagoudakis.
John Lagoudakis
I will be sharing some excellent Youtube links with you from John. But first, click on this link, NOW!
FREE - The Ultimate Internet Marketing Pack! | |
Is there
anything holding you back from making money online?
Maybe you've got
your eye on an ebook that you're thinking of buying that will help you to learn
what you need to do...
Or some software
that you're itching to get your hands on that promises to get you tons of free
articles and loads of traffic to your sites?
Well, what if I
told you that every ebook, software, graphic and article you would ever need to
build a successful online business was available for you to download right
Absolutely FREE!
Check it out
For a limited
time, John Lagoudakis is giving away FREE, instant access to 'The Ultimate
Internet Marketing Pack' (valued at $197!).
Here's what
you'll get:
- Twitter
Marketing Made Easy
- List Building for Newbies - Web 2.0 Sites Revealed - The Expert Guide To Article Marketing - Blogging Basics for Beginners - The Online Resource Report Software - Article Submitter - Jetspinner (article spinner software) - Article Ideas - Headline Creator Pro Squeeze Pages - Article Marketing Ideas (report included) - Top Notch Email Marketing (report included) - Emergency Cash with Freelancing (report included) Graphics - Internet Marketing Power Buttons - 20 Niche Headers Articles - 600 Private Label Rights Articles - 55 Clickbank Review Articles
Download it all
for FREE right here:
With all these
resources to teach you and help you build your own websites and lists, there's
no reason at all you
can't have
success online.
Stay tuned for the next part...
...another example of the "All-in-One" online "Biz-Op.
I LOVE This Guy!
Do yourself a favor...and check this out!
Chris Farrell
This is the bottom-line...IF you can join up with Chris...(there is a waiting list!) YOU are going to make money. Period. Here is the small print:
BEST of the BEST
Online Biz Gurus
Bear with me here...and, yes, this is NOT going to please EVERYBODY.
This is a list of the Tip-Top...the Top Ten...and hey, if you are on THIS can get, just 'cuz you make a lot of money online DOES NOT get you into this much coveted mention on The Truth About Money Blog.
(the list is coming...please check back to see who gets on the list)
(the list is coming...please check back to see who gets on the list)
Seth Godin is an entrepreneur, author, public speaker, and founder of Yoyodyne, one of the first online marketing companies back in 1995. He is also a founder of the community interest sharing site. Author of 11 books, Godin believes that the end of the TV industrial complex means marketers no longer have the power to command attention as the power of choice has shifted to consumers. In order to be successful, marketers must show restraint and respect. Today, the only way to spread the word about an idea is for that idea to earn buzz by being remarkable. His concept of permission marketing, where business provides something “anticipated, personal, and relevant” has forever changed marketing. For the latest and greatest from Seth, check out his blog, which Entrepreneur magazine calls “one of the most loved blogs on the internet,” and get Twitter updates via @ThisIsSethsBlog.
Seth's Blog: Customers who break things
There are a lot of places to go which will take you to a lot of other places to go...and pick up excellent insight...and get an online education about all the "stuff" you need to know.
This is YOUR business...and if you take it seriously, and take the time to learn...and apply what you learn...the results you are looking for will start to happen.
Personally, I find that there is so much "stuff" to learn...I start to get dizzy...and begin to lose the plot...especially when I am flitting from one skill to the next...and NOT taking the necessary time to really get into each little part of each little bit.
I think you get what I mean.
I can get overwhelmed...and that is when I can become a sucker for the "biz-op" offers that promise me a simple, plug-in solution to all this...learning.
(the links will be posted bit-by-bit)
Here is one source ( I have NO affiliate relationship with this link)
This is YOUR business...and if you take it seriously, and take the time to learn...and apply what you learn...the results you are looking for will start to happen.
Personally, I find that there is so much "stuff" to learn...I start to get dizzy...and begin to lose the plot...especially when I am flitting from one skill to the next...and NOT taking the necessary time to really get into each little part of each little bit.
I think you get what I mean.
I can get overwhelmed...and that is when I can become a sucker for the "biz-op" offers that promise me a simple, plug-in solution to all this...learning.
(the links will be posted bit-by-bit)
Here is one source ( I have NO affiliate relationship with this link)
love this!
Here is a list of links to blog posts chock-a-block full of goodies.
These posts are controversial, and fact-filled gems.
You will discover solid information, and a universe of links to super-sources.
Diverse knowledge is concentrated power, so here are the blog posts...just click on the title of your choice...
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