By Robert Farmilo
Robert Farmilo
- Part Six -
What is Promotion?
How Does it Work?
- and -
How You Can
Do it With
No-Bucks to Low-Bucks
Have you ever heard of the movie called "PSYCHO?"
Very scary movie...heart-pounding scary...hey, you might think it just won't stand up 50+ years later.
Here's the dare...go to a movie theatre...and watch it for the first time on the big scream, I mean...big screen. That's the way the movie was designed to be...watched.
How Alfred Hitchcock got people to come see PSYCHO
How Alfred Hitchcock got people to come see PSYCHO
Take the time to study the various components of how Mr. Hitchcock created PROMOTION for the film.
Here's the would you like people to be telling other people about what you are doing online?
What if they were all excited...and buzzed-up...the positive kind of telling...and it was GENUINE...
How valuable do you think that would be to you?
(By the way, have you ever noticed that if you add one letter to the beginning of the word EARN, that EARN turns into the word LEARN?)
So...what exactly is promotion?
Is it different from marketing?
5 Things About Marketing
- Marketing changes minds (source: DIY Website Coach)
- Marketing is a...tightly integrated effort to discover, create, arouse, and satisfy customer needs (source:
- Marketing convinces you that my "thing" is better than anyone elses "thing" (source: Me)
- Marketing is the process of making you interested in my "thing" (source: Me & My Giant Ego)
- Marketing provides the critical answer to why you should buy my "thing" (source: museflash)
Yeah, that's marketing!
And here is the difference between marketing and promotion
And this is what it's like when you mix the two:
Promotion is a part of Marketing...
but marketing is NEVER a part of promotion...
And here is the difference between marketing and promotion
Promotion is a part of Marketing...
but marketing is NEVER a part of promotion...
Three links for drive your intelligence and creativity:
...and 2 In a ROW...
Do YOU want to make money online?
click here>>>Yes! I want to MAKE MONEY ONLINE, NOW!<<<
Yes, another You Tube video for you.
This one will get you jenned up on the
search engine optimization (SEO) end of things.
(Go know you're the box.)
To get to the first section of
Promotion requires an audience.
Marketing NEEDS...demands people
...a audience.
That's part of the ingredient
in the recipe of making buying-hunger.
Sales come from a buyer...and the buyer
doesn't know he or she is buying...until
YOU tell them about...whatever "it" is.
(Hmmm...did I hint about this being FREE?) need to put YOUR message in front of...people.
Here are some people...motivated, interested, ready...
Click the link...and tell over 59,000 buyers what you've got.
(Oh, did I tell you...this one is FREE?)
How can you tell me so
I am going to actually buy
whatever it is you're selling?
You got to get me smelling
what you are selling.
Now, go make a good smell, and
sell this crowd of over 12,000
hard-core, real-deal online
marketing addicts...sell 'em what you got!
(Oh, did I mention
that this one is FREE?)
Check this out!
HERE is a link for you...this will get you into an excellent knowledge source for HOW TO PROMOTE YOUR WEBSITE:click here>>>How to PROMOTE Your Website for FREE<<<
Another AMAZING Link for YOU:
I was sent a link to this powerful presentation on how to promote on You Tube, and I thought you might want to carefully check this out. Scroll down past the visual, and you will find the link.Keep in mind that though this was aimed at helping a magician promote (and make sales, e.g. bookings), YOU can substitute whatever it is you are interested in promoting...
Now I have something special for you...a concentrated section of high-intensity enlightenment about promotion-marketing. This is from my SUPER source, Mr. John Lagoudakis. Here it is:
Understanding this 5-step business
growth formula (it can be applied to
ANY business) will change your
life forever.
It's that powerful.
In fact, it's so powerful, I'm sure
that all of the Fortune 500
companies would keep it hidden if
they could!
Here it is (in order):
1. The Lead Magnet
A lead magnet is a bride you use to
get someone to exchange information
with you. They need to get value and
it needs to be good quality and
usable. You want them to go "Wow,
I never thought of it that way!"
An example of this would be a
carpet cleaning business that gave
away a guide on how some carpet
cleaners scam you.
Examples of different types of lead
magnets you could use are:
- Free information
- Free sample
- One Answer (dating example: how
to know when a girl is ready to kiss
- Small Service (real estate
property value appraisal)
2. The Tripwire Sale
The tripwire sale is the most
misunderstood piece of the puzzle.
A tripwire sale turns prospects into
customers. Doesn't matter if it is as
small as $1.
The relationship changes.
You are now an adviser and your
prospect is a client. Buyers are
twenty times more
likely to buy
something from you immediately,
even if the price point is big.
Examples of tripwire sale strategies:
- Columbia House Music (give away
10 records for $1)
- Candle Wicks (sold at cost, $2,
where competitors where selling for
$20. Everyone started buying from
this supplier which then started
supplying other candle products)
- Groupon Deals
- Lawn Service (offer to do lawn
first time for $5 and do a great job.
Before leaving book in for next week
for $10. The following week for $20
and leave flowers and a thank you
3. The Core Sale
1. The Big Promise (what your
product/service will do for them)
2. Points of Belief (what you want
them to believe)
3. Solid Proof (make the points you
want them to believe to be undeniable)
4. Irresistible Offer (tell them what
they're going to get and the benefits
they're going to get, and for how
why they should care)
5. Call to Action (super
Don't ask them, 'tell' them to buy. Be
firm because you know they need it.
People don't want to have to think,
they want to be told what to do. A
doctor doesn't ask your opinion; gives
a prescription and tells you to go get
the medicine)
Be willing to buy advertising to break
even on the first 3 steps because all
the money happens in steps 4 and 5.
Steps 1 - 3 are the iceberg above the
water. Steps 4 - 5 are the iceberg
4. Profit Maximizer Sales
Examples of profit maximizer sales
- McDonalds Upsells (the core sale,
hamburger, only nets them $0.18
profit. They make big profits off the
drinks, fries, desserts, etc)
- Cable Bundles (sell cable at
and then offer telephone and internet
at almost 100% profit)
- Amazon Cross Sales (customers
that bought this, also bought this...
20-30% of people will buy cross-sell.
Another example is tire stores that
sell tires at cost and sell the
5. Customer Return Path
The easiest sales you will make is
from your existing customer base.
Examples of how you can continue to
sell to your existing customers are:
- Constant Contact
- Loyalty Programs
- Line Extensions (selling
products that you don't necessary
sell yourself)
- Continuity Programs
ALL five steps of the puzzle need to
be in place for you to have a business
that blows its competition out of the
At the end of the day, if you have a
sales funnel that is making you so
much money per lead that it allows
you to spend more than anyone else
in your market to acquire a customer...
You win!
Next link...I am so EXCITED about this one...jammed, packed, bursting...with KNOWLEDGE for you.
Take your time and really dig into this stuff.
Just from this one link, you'll be immersed in an ocean of business exploding knowledge power.
You can immediately begin clicking into the resources that are going to fundamentally change your bottom line.
This KNOWLEDGE is going to make you a lot more money...whether you are bleeding beginner or hardened online success story...YOU need this stuff. the link...settle back...take notes...and LEARN and EARN.
And just in case you didn't click on the link, here it is again...go on, click, you know you want to.
Search Engine Optimization
Source: John is the link:
Search engine rank optimization is an important skill to have. Knowing how to rank high in the search engines will boost your traffic and, in turn, your sales. And best of all, it’s 100% free!
The biggest mistake newbies make is that they create their website and then try to optimize it for the search engines to get traffic. You need to do the research first and then build your site around your keyword phrases.
When researching your keywords, look for ‘buying’ keywords that are not too competitive, for example:
‘keyword phrase guide’ or ‘keyword phrase book’
Don’t target keywords that suggest the surfer is searching for free information, e.g. ‘keyword phrase tips’ or ‘free keyword phrase tips’.
Also, don’t try to rank for keywords that are too vague, e.g. ‘real estate’ (also way too competitive). Target specific keywords relevant to what you’re selling, e.g. ‘los angeles commercial real estate’.
Using Google’s Adwords Keyword Tool you can see how much volume a keyword is getting. Then, if you do a search in the Google search engine, you can see how many results are returned for that phrase (make sure you wrap your keyord in “quotation marks” when doing this). Only target keywords that have competition less than 100,000 results.
Keyword Phrase Competition
Install and activate the ‘all-in-one-seo pack‘ and the ‘Google XML sitemaps‘ plugins. WordPress and its plugins are free and can be found at
If you don’t have your own domain and a web hosting account, you can set up a free wordpress blog at but I strongly recommend buy your own domain and web hosting. Namecheap is recommended for domain registration and Hostgator is a good web host.
For the best search engine ranking results, you need to look at on-page optimization as well as off-page optimization.
On-Page Optimization
Try to register a domain name that contains the keyword phrase you are targeting. Dot com (.com) and dot org (.org) domains work best. Stay away from .info and .net, they don’t rank as well in Google. If you can’t get your keyword phrase as a domain, just add an ‘s’ or the word ‘site’ at the end or hyphenate the phrase, e.g.
The headline (h1 tags) of your page/post should contain the keyword phrase you’re targeting and also include your target keyword phrase at least once in the content. Once at the start and once at the end is a good practice. Don’t stuff your keywords everywhere in the content. Make your content sound natural.
Before publishing your blog page or post make sure you add your keyword as a tag. Keep your title less than 55 characters (longer gets cut off) and include your keyword. Your description keep less than 160 characters long and make it an attention grabbing headline. You’ll want to keep in mind that the search engine will show this exactly as you type it.
Website Title and Description
Don’t make your blog posts/pages too long. Make it 300 – 600 words and break it up with subheadings, images and/or videos. Basically, you want to make it easily digestable.
Link to other related content on your site, making the anchor text the keyword phrase that you are trying to optimize for. Also link to other sites (external links) that are already ranking highly for the keyword phrase you’re targeting. Search engines like this.
Off-Page Optimization
Get as many quality backlinks to your site as possible. An easy way to do this is to submit an unique article to good directories like Ezine Articles.
Link not just back to your homepage, but also to specific pages/posts with anchor text of the keyword your targeting. You can do this with sites like Squidoo and Hubpages.
Video sharing sites offer another great way to get quality backlinks and lots of traffic. One way of creating videos from your content is to create a Powerpoint presentation and do a voiceover. This can be captured onto video by CamStudio. Then you can use services like TubeMogul to upload to several video sharing sites with just one upload.
Another way to get more backlinks is to create mp3′s from your content and upload it to podcast directories like
The great thing about most of the resources covered in this section is that they are all 100% free!
Search engine rank optimization takes work but the results are well worth the effort.
Source: John is the link:, check out all the blog posts for
Okay, that's enough for now...stay tuned, 'cuz there's going to be a lot more EXCELLENT content...and to thank you for dropping by, here is a nice gift for you:
Get the NEW book that God wrote...
Get it free...
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