
Robert Farmilo

HOW to seduce and persuade customers with ONLY your words?

Right...maybe Bill Cosby should have studied this area of intersection between words and our physiology...he might not have to be indulging in drugging people to have his way with them. big mystery, right?
Consciousness is going to be under the influence of words.

What you think and feel...right down to the decisions that you make...channelled, shaped, pushed and the words I use, in this article...right now.

So...IF I went ahead and wrote: “First person to opt-in is going to get a cash deposit via Paypal of $500.00...”

Do you think that would create the necessary motivation to get at least one person who reads that offer to take action and opt-in...and by that I mean type in their name, and email address on the opt-in form...and hit the submit button...?

I think that the offer would motivate at least one person to do opt-in.

But...and this is the big but...we're NOT talking here about giving money away, are we?


We're talking about getting you to spend, give, invest...$500.00 with ME.

Somehow...there is a magical way to write words so that YOU are going to just be so ready to drop everything and as fast as you can, fill out that opt-in form...AND then rush to your email inbox to get that opt-in email from my autoresponder, and click on the link in that confirm your subscription email...and then go to the next landing page, and fill out the entire application, PLUS you're so eager to buy, invest, can hardly figure out your credit card details fast enough....

But you do...and you hit that BUY NOW button, and that's it...the sale is made...the deal is done...the $500.00 is now safely in my account.

AND you are ecstatic...NO buyers remorse...just a solid sense of having made an excellent choice.

Something happened to you.
The offer I made to you...just somehow clicked in your brain. You and your higher reasoning powers collided...with MY hypnotic word play.

So...what is this hypnotic deal, anyway?
How does it work?
AM I really SEDUCING YOU? it just a myth?


Right off the bat, here it comes...the answer...and please notice the word I am going to bust all over you...BECAUSE it is such a power-tool of a word...BECAUSE this word does such a lot of heavy lifting in the motivation-hypnosis game of word play...BECAUSE there is NO other word quite like there?

Here are some synonyms of BECAUSE:
  • As a consequence
  • As a result
  • At the hand of
  • By
  • By dint of
  • By means of
  • By reasonable
  • By the agency of
  • Through
WELL...those words just doesn't do it like the word they?

You gonna notice the why power behind this marvelous word BECAUSE of what I am about to tell you...and, hey, this is POWERFUL...
...BECAUSE...what's going on here is something about the way YOU react to explanations...YOU love being told: “Why Is That So?”
...BECAUSE what you're playing with here, the power of the fire you are making...the magnetic attraction people have to finding out about something...YOU are curious BECAUSE it is a genetic survival have to be curious in order to SURVIVE.

You and me...we're ALWAYS searching for answers and getting some compelling description of a problem ...AND building up the suspense and curiosity factor...obviously critical components...right? better make sure you give me a resolution...AND explanation...AND...I hope, I really do...THE solution, too.

Because, when you do, you are helping me to understand what makes up the problem you are telling me about...doing it in a way that keeps me locked in...and then you solve the mystery...and in a way that I can grasp...and, IF you're really good...I am gonna be impressed.

See, there's this classic study called the “Zerox Copy” study...and this is so's definitely gonna show you the POWER in the word BECAUSE...

...Because, when you include the word because in a description of why you need to do will find that you get a lot more positive response to what is you want to have happen.

Here are the details of the “Zerox Study:”
Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer demonstrated the power of giving an explanation...the scenario was a student trying to cut in line to use the photocopier.

The first scenario, the student would say: “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine?” 60% of the people tested allowed her to cut-in line.

The second scenario went like this: “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I’m in a rush?” Check out the difference...94% of the people in the line allowed her to cut-in..

Now...for the bizarre part...and this is sooooo'd think it wouldn't slip past people's normal radar: “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I have to make some copies?” 93% of the people let her cut-in line...even with this silly, redundant and ridiculous explanation.

So...when you set out to be the Master of Hypnotic writing...and you are, by design...setting out to make ME opt-in, and shake me free of my hard earned coin of the better offer me some meat to make the sizzle happen...BECAUSE without the problem being clearly defined...and the plight of NOT dealing with the problem being oh-so too horrible for words...all stirred and mixed with a healthy helping of creating active curiosity...IF you don't put this across to probably ain't gonna be getting any money out of me any time soon...right?

I know, I know...but I made so 
much money from this stupid hat deal...
Research shows that the 30 Day NO Cost Guarantee
REALLY motivates people to buy, buy, buy...BECAUSE
they FEEL they are MORE in control...right?

You got to tell me what the disaster is gonna be...and make me feel how nasty that's gonna feel...AND you've got to create some suspense...AND you've got to slam dunk the solution right into my brain...and reach me at the feeling level of my precious little psyche...BECAUSE then you've got a probable chance that I am gonna do some business with you.

Maybe NOT this time...maybe...but soon.

Because you are helping me. You are giving me information that I really need to make sense out of something that I really want to get done.

This one really sells...why?
"Try FREE Five Days!"
Again, because of the risk reduction...
...and increased control over possible future outcomes...
...VERY powerful factors in making you 
and me buy something from somebody.

AND what is it that I am wanting to get done that you are helping me to figure out?

In this particular's about helping me to figure out how to make a really good living working online.

Alright, in the next article in this series on hypnotic writing, we're gonna break it down with some of the MOST powerful word combinations known to the English language.

You won't want to miss this stuff...because it is going to help you make a lot more money.
You okay with that?


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All the Best,
Robert Farmilo,
Online Guide
PS - Get in on this dynamite and explode your online business...just fill in the opt-in form, and hit the sign-up now button!
PPS - IF you want to start making some money...and want to hang with the winners and the leaders...and learn AND EARN money...fill out the it NOW! 

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